Sunday, September 23, 2018

Life's what you make it so let's make it right.....

Lately I have been realizing that God answers prayers in His way, not ours.  I prayed for my tire situation to be fixed about a month ago and my hubcap was snapped off and clue how or when but that tire light issue went away.  I prayed for God to change my son's heart towards me and his siblings....well, he went through hell and back but that prayer has been answered.  He is back in the fold of our family and his hugs every day give me strength and comfort like they used to.  We have long conversations and I see the boy that I raised coming through after many years of disconnect and darkness.  I asked him for a hug the other day and there were tears in my eyes.  He asked what was wrong and I said "Everything's changing"....he said like what?  I said I couldn't explain it.  He asked "Do you want to talk about it?"  That...that is my son.  The one I prayed SO hard for his return.  I said no but I thanked him....and then viola candy appeared on the counter after his next trip to the store.  It took solid years of praying and a very trying and painful time for him (and all of us) for him to return....but whatever it took I'm so grateful for that answered prayer. 

A few weeks back I was talking to my friend Jill and telling her that I missed my cream filling son.  That things were different when he was home.  I hadn't cooked since he left because my other two kids don't eat regular meals.  I cook and it lasts for a week.  It made me sad.  They are also more quiet and to themselves and my younger son and I talk about EVERYTHING all the time.  Well.....later that same day he called about evacuating for the hurricane.  He put me on speaker because he wanted to leave that day and my daughter in love wanted to wait until the next day.  She said call your mom!  She's not an alarmist so whatever she says I'll go with.  (Have I mentioned how much I LOVE THAT GIRL!).  Well after discussing it they decided to leave that day.  Within 24 hours of me uttering the words I wish he was here......he was.  Now, was it a perfect answer?  NO! They had to evacuate their home and they were scared to death.  But....those days together....all of us...reconnecting....were so needed and so priceless....I had to say "Thank you God!"  That time together also showed me that life had changed....they were their own unit, tighter than ever, and although I love having them close they can no longer live with me the way they used to.  They have made their own life and home and that's the way it is meant to be.  It was definitely a visit that needed to happen.

My point in all this ramble is that I've learned that I need to trust God always....even when I don't understand why.  Even when I don't necessarily like His methods.  Even in the time of grief and loss and pain...there is a reason.  And just because all of my prayers aren't answered that doesn't mean I'm not blessed beyond measure.  So, the next time you are angry or hurt or think you're alone.....remember......God's plan is always best.  And during those times don't forget to be grateful for all the prayers that have been answered and the ones that will be answered in the future....because today?  It's just a day in the life.....

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