The famous wedding song, There is Love....the words have been going on in my head over and over with my youngest son's wedding just a few days away. "And a man shall leave his mother, and a woman leave her home....they shall travel on to where the two shall be as one". Ok, first of all I never noticed before how one sided that is. I used to think it was because the woman didn't leave her family, (because as that annoying phrase says "a son is a son until he takes a wife but a daughter is a daughter for the rest of your life" ) however.....for this means so much. My son isn't leaving home, he is leaving his mother because she's the home to him. Well, my son left home a few months back....but leave me? No way. Not a day goes by that we aren't in communication. I don't see that ending any time ever. He called me the other day with some concerns/frustrations he just wanted to vent. Sometimes you just need your mom. It doesn't matter what gender you are! I have long in depth conversations with my sons consistently and my daughter, she's quieter. She prefers to solve things on her own without talking about it right away. I had a conversation with a friend the other day. His mother was in the hospital and has been struggling for some time now. She told him she was tired and didn't want to do this anymore. He was beside himself at the thought of losing her. I relate to that. First of all because I know his mother and I love her so very deeply myself. But also, because I'm missing my own mom so much right now some days I don't think I can bear it. Yesterday I was driving and just crying my eyes out to the point where I almost had to pull over. And I looked up and there was a rainbow....and the song came in my head "Somewhere over the rainbow....bluebirds fly" was my mom. I instantly knew it was all going to be okay. And driving home after that the rainbow ended at my house. Thank you mommy.

The signs keep coming too. Today on Facebook an old friend of my brothers posted a video of John Denver's "Sunshine on my Shoulders" which is my song with my youngest son. I was instantly transported back to his nursery and was in the rocking chair with him in my arms and singing that song to him. The tears were streaming down my face but I have such joy in my heart that we are at the place we are right now. He is set to marry the love of his life in 4 short days. His entire future is brightly ahead of him. That's what I wished for on that day so long ago when I first sang that song to him!
I just tried on my dress again for the wedding and I burst into tears. No, I don't look THAT bad 😉 truthfully? Thinking of seeing both of my sons up there at the altar in their tuxedos, together on that day just makes me weak in the knees. This time last year we didn't think that would happen. So many things are not as we thought they would be at this moment in time. Some better than expected, some undeniably heartbreaking, but no matter what it will be a perfect day for them. A day they will cherish for the rest of their lives. It will be so much more than a day in the life.
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