It's interesting that I don't recall the exact date we got an all clear that the chemo had worked. If I'm guessing it's November 8th. Strange isn't it? That we celebrate the date of the diagnosis and not the cure. I guess because once he was diagnosed it didn't ever cross our minds that the ending wouldn't be a happy one. It also began the bond that my son and I share that no one else does. It seems a bit narcissistic maybe that we feel that way. But, oh well, it's the way it is. If you were there and supported us during cancer you get a free pass for a lot of other stuff. That time is in a snow globe of sorts....what happened before and what happened after can't touch it. He often says he's grateful for this diagnosis, that it made him a different person. I can't disagree. His determination, his strength, his drive, his devotion, his kindness, his loyalty, his passion.....was all built and fueled on this period in life. The man he is today (an outstanding, incredible, charismatic, successful man) was built on this day 10 years ago. I hope this all makes sense because quite honestly I'm crying so hard I can't see the keyboard and my heart is in my throat.
I wrote a book about Danny's battle with cancer and my perspective on it. . Here's the link if you want to check it out. I started to read it the other day and I just couldn't do it. Maybe because, as my brother says ,I'm no author or maybe because the feelings are buried and bringing them up again is just too painful. Danny asked me this morning if I had any pictures of us together when he was sick. I thought about it and realized I didn't. He said, "I guess we weren't really thinking about taking selfies, huh?" So I asked the family photographer, my sister and viola. Here they are. Then and heart is so full right now. What a decade it's been. He graduated high school, we moved to Florida, he bought his first new car, got his Associates Degree, moved to North Carolina, he got married, moved back to Florida, started his career in real estate, and is one semester out from finishing his bachelors degree. Those are the pivotal moments. I left out his parents divorce, major shoulder surgery, 2015 as a whole, deciding to walk away from his college baseball career, 2 hurricane evacuations and some other not so easy ones.
But today, we celebrate. What a difference 10 years makes. My son is now a healthy, nearly 21 year old married man. Our relationship has evolved over the years but we have a bond that most people will never understand. This day changed everything 10 years ago. It was the beginning of a decade of hell truth be told. My son often says our ten years of hell is almost over. I think he's right. We've been through more in this last 10 years than some families go through in a lifetime. We are proof that good things can come from the worst possible things. And that's NOT just a day in the's so much more.
Sending all my love to you both. ❤️
Thank you my beautiful Aussie friendxo
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