Saturday, January 4, 2020

Let me tell you about the newest addition to our family....

WRITTEN 1/19/19 PUBLISHED 1/4/20

I've written a few blog posts dedicated to all of my children.  I've written one addressed to my son's future wife....but that was before she was here.  Today...I need to write about my daughter in son's lovely wife.

First off, let me say that praying for your children's future spouse truly works!  My daughter in law is by far the most perfect match for my son.  They are young, 21 and 20.  Some would say too young to be married but I'm a firm believer in "when you know you know" and follow your heart.  My daughter in law (I need to find a better term for that) left the only life she had ever known at the young age of 19 to move across the country to be with my son.  She had no idea that an engagement ring waited for her a few short weeks later, she just followed her heart and God's guidance.  She continues to do so while they navigate through this journey of life together, hand in hand.

Yesterday, while my son started his Real Estate training I got to spend the day with her.  I forgot just how much I missed our time together.  I speak to my son almost daily, but she isn't as much of a texter as he is and we fell back into our pattern of random texts without much depth.  Yesterday she came to work with me and we had lunch together and it was just so amazing.  I tear up just feeling the gratitude in my heart for this young woman and the way she handles life.  I could learn so much from her!  Most would think it was the other way around and I'm sure I've taught her a few things along the way but she is so inspirational.  My son is extremely intense.  He's incredible and smart and motivated and funny and loving....but extremely intense.  He also is extremely reliant on his support system...which used to be me but has now switched to his wife.  I drilled that into his head from a young age---your wife comes first!  And now, I see he listened.  She is his everything, he adores her, worships her, builds his life around and for her...but with that comes intense pressure and she handles it with grace and ease.  I'm crazy about her.

Spending just that brief time yesterday with her we reconnected and strengthened our relationship just like that.  Last night she sat at the island while I made dinner, just the way she used to and my heart was so happy.  How lucky am I ?  I would like to think I'm a pretty good Mother in Law but that would be for her to decide.  But when God was giving out daughter in laws, I'm certain he gave me the best

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