Monday, January 1, 2024

Every day is a holiday…


When you look at the calendar you see 1/1/24 - New Years Day!  Oh my, what will I do?  I must celebrate!  Or maybe on New Year's Eve you felt upset because you did not have big plans - what about the Happy New Year kiss that is supposed to be so magical?  So much pressure!  Coming off of the Christmas hype of perfect presents and decor.  Is it any wonder half the world is on anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication?  

Why?  Why does society put so much pressure on certain dates on the calendar - birthdays, valentines day, anniversaries, Mother's day, Father's day, Grandparents Day?  Hallmark and other card companies love those days, at least they used to -cards have kind of fallen by the wayside these days.  I understand the need to make people feel special - I do!  But why do we put them on specific dates?  Think about it!  We save up all our love and attention for 1 day a year?  Why?  Because some genius decided that day was significant?  To add more pressure to an already busy life?  It's ridiculous.  

I used to tell my kids that when they got older and married and possibly moved away that any time we were all together would be a holiday.  I swore that I would celebrate Christmas on a Tuesday in July if needed.  The celebration is supposed to be the joy the day brings, not the date on the calendar!  Now some may argue that Religious holidays are different - Easter, Christmas (secret, Jesus was not born on December 25th) etc.  But honestly?  For the majority of the world Easter and Christmas have been overtaken by a Bunny and a fat guy in a Red Suit so no, I don't believe there's a difference!

I have been on a journey to become closer to God.  In doing so I realize more than ever that EVERY day should be celebrated.  There is something good in every single day that God chooses to wake us up in the morning.  Even if it's something as small as a really good cup of coffee or a message from someone you love.  My daughter sometimes leaves me little notes on my coffee pot in the morning - notes of love or appreciation or just funny things.....she doesn't have to wait for Mother's day or my Birthday to tell me she appreciates me.  You don't either - tell the people you love that you appreciate them today. These are moments that need to be cherished and not taken for granted.  I have started sending messages to people when I think about them - hey just thinking about you, hope that everything is well in your world.  Or maybe something that I love about them, or a special memory.  As you can imagine I get back messages usually telling me that they needed that or just that they were happy I thought of them.  Imagine if we all did that every day?  Not just on a date specified on the Calendar.

I am not a fan of New Years Eve - never have been.  I can count on less than 2 hands how many New Years Eves I have enjoyed in 58 years.  Why?  Because the build up and the need to "make it memorable" has, in fact, done just the opposite.  This year my daughter and I decided we weren't doing it.  We were just treating it like any other Sunday.  And guess what?  That's when I realized that I truly do celebrate every day!  I live every day as if there is someone wonderful right around the corner.  Because I know that life can change in a minute - for better or for worse.  And the only moment we have for certain is the present one.  And doesn't that moment deserve to be celebrated?  I think so!  

Change begins with you!  Because it’s not just a day in the life 😉

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