This week was full of dreams that I could not remember when I woke up, but I knew they were somehow significant. My friend Jill tells me that your subconscious does a lot of healing while you sleep, and the dreams help you process emotions that might be too hard to process when you are awake. I never really thought about dreams before because I never remembered having them until probably this past year or so. Chat GPT is fantastic for interpreting your dreams when you remember them. This week I couldn't. Probably for the best. But it has left me wondering (as usual) what it is that I am doing wrong in my life. There are people that I have loved completely and wholly, and they just are not in my life anymore. I am taken for granted (I feel) by most people that I love completely. Is it me? Am I the problem? I have wracked my brain for years to figure out why the people I love so completely have hurt me so deeply and tossed me aside like yesterday's trash. I am just not important enough for people to choose me. What am I doing wrong? So, I've altered my personality as much as I can. I do not allow people to have access to all of me anymore. I have chosen to put myself first and avoid things that make me feel awful. I am a firm believer that if you can't change something, you need to let it go. I want to teach everyone this important fact. If there is something in your life that you can change - DO IT! What the hell are you waiting for? Why live with something that keeps repeating itself if you have the power to change it? Swallow your damn pride and ego and just DO IT! I have. Many, many times. I have learned how to take accountability when I have done something wrong. I have learned to apologize (something I could not do in my earlier decades). I have learned to change the things that I can change, whether that be my address, my job, my circle of people, my weight, my diet, my routines - whatever the case may be. But what about the things I can't?
So, I stay in my bubble. I cannot force someone to choose me, to choose to have me in their life, to accept me for who I am. I cannot force someone to include me - to include me in their life, in their heart. So, I do what I need to do to accept that. To accept that sometimes the people that you love so deeply just don't care enough to love you back. But if this happens repeatedly - am I the problem? What am I doing that makes me so disposable to the people I love the most? I asked my friend Jill that this morning and as ALWAYS, she says the perfect thing. She builds me up in a way that a best friend does. But that's just it, she's my best friend OF COURSE she wants me in her life every day, as I do with her. And my daughter. My beautiful, incredible daughter. She is so fiercely protective of me she wants to destroy every person who makes me feel this way. She repeats things I have told her in the past and how can I argue with my own advice? Makes it a bit difficult. So, I did what I normally do - I tried to do a brain dump. Perhaps weepy music wasn't the best choice, because I am not sad today.... today I am angry. I am fucking pissed off that I can't fix this. I am a fixer, a problem solver - that is what I do! My bosses tell me all the time - you are such a great problem solver because you think outside of the box. Yea - this is true. I do. But this particular issue is something I can't seem to change, no matter what I try. So, I do what I do - I walk away. I stop caring. I focus on myself. And that usually works! But this past week or so I have had these people brought into my thoughts and life in a way I have no control over. So, I can't avoid the thoughts. And where, in the past, I would cry and be sad for what I have lost, today? I am pissed off. I deserve better! I deserve people who love me and want me in their life and appreciate all the love I have given. And how dare they just cast me aside like I don't matter! Well guess what? It is their loss, and I know this! Deep down in my core I do. But I never want to be that person who doesn't take accountability for my part in any of it. So, I go around in circles to figure out what I have done wrong to bring me to this point and how can I change it going forward? How can I ensure that the new people finding their way into my life don't hurt me in the way that these loved ones have? I have worked really hard to break down all the protective walls I built over the majority of my life so that I CAN love completely and allow people in. Do I need to build them up again? I think I do where these people are concerned, but do I need to do it going forward with new people? I hope not. I hope I can find the right people who will love me as completely as I love them. People that appreciate me the way I appreciate them. Cherish me the way I cherish them. I am extremely careful of who I let into my inner circle, who I share my heart and soul with. I guess I need to be a bit more careful in the future.
Because every day should be an important day in the life!
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