Today was a doozy. I have started a morning routine that truly suits me well and I am getting into the groove of it. Part of it is taking some time to just be quiet and journal what I hear God speaking to my heart. It has been very eye opening to say the least and it's become one of the favorite parts of my day. And then today --- God said be silent, be still. Now I cannot write those words without thinking of Freddie Prinze Jr. in the movie "She's All That" but, I digress. I giggled to myself and waited for the rest of God's wisdom to come through. Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Pen poised, I waited. Nope. That was it. Alrighty, next on the to do list. So I assumed (ahhh why, oh WHY do I ever do that? - I am 60 years old, have I not learned yet? Apparently not.) that today would be quiet and nothing much would happen. And then this afternoon I got two texts back to back and a phone call and 2 things that I have felt strongly were coming soon happened. Bam. In the span of 5 minutes God answered prayers. Not in the way I thought it would happen. Not the outcome that I completely hoped for - BUT it is what I've prayed for and I went from one moment of status quo to the next moment - really big changes! As I waited for the phone call that one of the text promised I was making tuna fish and I suddenly felt such nervousness I knew there was no way I could eat. My daughter asked "Are you nervous or are you excited???" Hmmm good question - no clue how to tell the difference at this point, so I said "well, it has proved to me once again that God can change everything in an instant - good or bad"
I can look back on my life, and I often do, to how one moment changed everything at various times in my life. Sometimes things build up to the big change, but most of the time it changes in one moment. Meeting someone randomly and that person becomes someone so significant in my life. I remember when I was 15 turning 16 I was working at a local Carvel and this group of boys that I used to hang out with came to visit me at work. One of them was THE boy (at the time) - little did I know that the company snitch was sitting out in the parking lot watching me while I worked and she called the boss and they came in and fired me on the spot. Did I think - oh my father is going to kill me! - no. Did I think my friend who got me the job was going to be mad? Ummm nope. I walked back with the boys in the snow and after having dinner at THE boys house by the end of the night I had a boyfriend and I was over the moon! Job? What job? I was turning 16 and he liked me back - ahhh to be 16 again. So in a matter of mere moments I was unemployed and had a boyfriend. Talk about major life changes! Other changes are more gradual - one day you're in high school the next you graduate - but you have 4 years to get used to that change. One day you're single, the next your married - but again - there is a build up to that. One day you are not a parent and the next moment you are - but again - 9 months leading up to that change.
I am a planner - always have been. I knew I wanted to be married for 5 years and have my kids 4 years apart. 1994 - 1998 and 2003 (she had to be delayed for insurance purposes 😉.) It was not until I got the nudge to move to Arizona that I realized - my plans are not necessarily God's plans. For a control freak like I was this was not an easy realization. But - I followed my faith and it has grown stronger every year. Even through the unexpected turns that I never saw coming and certainly never asked for. But when I look back I can see why things happened the way they did. Today's changes certainly did not happen the way I thought they would, but it still changed life as I know it in 10 minutes time. I looked up to thank God and I swear I saw my mom in the kitchen with a pot - stirring it, with a huge smile on her face. (and now I am crying) I know she has been working overtime up there to get me to where I am suppose to be.
I am very excited (not nervous - well maybe a little) to see what is next. I know this year will be a life changing one in many ways and it is off to a really great start. I am open to the changes and new people it will bring my way. No matter what is coming next I know that God has my back and there is my very own blonde angel in the kitchen stirring the pot to make sure that my life is as sweet as the pudding she used to make me when I was a little girl. Remember, it's not always just a day in the life!
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